The term “DNA group” refers to a group that ideally consists of three people—men with men, women with women— who meet together weekly. They seek to be known and to bring the gospel to bear on each other’s lives so that they grow to become more like Jesus.
The overall goal of a DNA group is to foster discipleship relationships that help each person grow to become more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. The goal is not merely to hang out and have fun, or even to build friendships, though hopefully all of that will happen! The goal is to challenge one another to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).
DNA is an acronym that reminds us of three key components of discipleship: Discover, Nurture and Act. At each meeting, a DNA group walks through these three steps. We can only Discover, Nurture, and Act with the help of the Holy Spirit, so pray throughout the process. As disciples, we should experience transformation at every level, affecting our whole person: head, heart, hands.
1. DISCOVER: The goal is to teach the head.
— For the meeting, study a passage together and ask the “4 Questions”.
— Come ready to discuss…
What did you discover or learn this week?
What were you reminded of?
Where did the Spirit lead you to repentance and faith this week?
How have you struggled with sin/unbelief in your life this week?
2. NURTURE: The goal is to shepherd the heart.
— Listen for the heart as each person shares during the Discover step.
— Ask good questions, utilizing the 4 Questions to help you go from “Fruit to Root”.
— Speak the truth in love as the Spirit leads you, calling each person to repent of sin and believe in the gospel.
3. ACT: The goal is to empower the hands.
— Listen to the Spirit together and obey as he calls you to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. (For ideas on how, see “Act: Listen and Obey”)
— Pay attention to what he might call you to do, and who he might call you to tell.