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We LOVE kids! We have cfLittles and cfKids available for ages 0 to 4th grade and also a cf56  Community Group (for 5th and 6th grade) during our 10:00 am service. In addition there is a nursing mom’s room available in the Lobby. Just ask one of our Greeter Team members to point you in the right direction.  

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cfStudents gather weekly to build community. For us, community means a place where you can be yourself and be loved.  We know we don’t have it all figured out, but at least we are not alone.  We learn and grow together.


cf78 and cf912 hang out on Wednesdays at 6pm to discover identity, to discuss life principles and to connect with the heart of God.


We purpose to create a fun, safe space for students to deepen friendships and live life together. We are all better together.



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At cfParis, women of all ages learn, laugh, serve and grow together to create community. Whether it’s through cfCommunity Groups, special events or serving the church and community together, our ministry to women is devoted to building life-giving relationships and equipping women to discover and fulfill their purpose.


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cfMen enjoy doing things for our church and community. We learn and grow better together through cfCommunity Groups and fellowship events, which have included things such as camp outs, men’s breakfasts, and service projects.



At cfParis, we strongly believe in being the hands and feet of the love of God. We have partnered to serve with many local organizations and efforts, including the Downtown Food Pantry, Young Life, Boys & Girls Club, and Prayers for Students. We also support missions, both local and abroad.


cfParis is a place for everyone – regardless of your past, your religious upbringing, how you dress, your race or your socio-economic status. We believe in a God of second chances, of grace and above all, of love. No matter who you are, welcome to the family.

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