HS Leaders Checklist
☐ 1. Listen: Podcast Never talk purity again
☐ 3. Look: Review Series Overview
(pdf under video playlist)
☐ 4. Watch: Series Preview & this week's video
(in video playlist below)
☐ 5. Read note about shame (click here)
☐ 6. Read: Questions and info in Lead small app
NOte about shame
In the script, and in the small group questions, orange intentionally steers away from connecting porn to shame and the detrimental effect it has on a person’s relationship with God. The reason for this is because shame is never a great motivator for long term behavior change and most teenagers in church are already feeling shame about their relationship with porn and may already be prone to assuming God is angry at them or disappointed in them. The intention behind this discussion guide is to help leaders guide the discussion toward hope and practical steps for thinking critically about porn and taking steps to change behavior. As you lead this conversation, be mindful that the language you use should never set up a student to feel shame or like there is something wrong with them, but rather, like everyone, they are a victim of the porn industry and that there is hope for them.